About Carol
Touching You evolved from my own personal experience with breast cancer and chemotherapy. Throughout this experience, I realized that a positive attitude and personal appearance would be very important in my recovery. However, the experience of purchasing wigs, breast forms and other necessary items to meet my needs, proved exhausting and frustrating.
Because of this experience, Touching You was started. It is a business dedicated to serving cancer patients and anyone else in need of similar services. Drawing on my professional business background, we formed a corporation and created an establishment with a warm, comfortable, feminine environment, staffed by women who, themselves, have personally experienced breast cancer. Touching You is where women can come and find help during this time.
We feel it is very important for our customers to be assisted by staff members who have also experienced breast cancer and fully understand what our customers are feeling. Our mission has always been to address the emotional and special fashion needs of the mastectomy and other cancer patients undergoing surgery and/or chemotherapy/radiation.
Over the past 30 years, we have cultivated professional relationships with area physicians. Input from the medical community has influenced the development and structure of our business so as to complement their treatments. Many of the items we offer are prescribed by physicians and covered by insurance; we have, from the beginning, worked very closely with Medicare, Blue Cross and HMOs. We have always adhered to and usually surpassed the very strict guidelines set by government and insurance agencies.
We take great pride in our mission and the professionalism and ethical manner in which we do business. We know that we have made a difference when our customers continue to show their confidence in us. They know they can always find an understanding ear and the things they need to make their lives a little easier.
Carol Cauthen
Owner and Breast Cancer Survivor